Welcome to the Hunter Psychological Services Blog

Our blog is dedicated to providing insights, tips, and resources to help you on your mental health journey. Written by our team of experienced psychologists, these articles are designed to offer practical advice, evidence-based information, and support for a range of mental health challenges. Whether you’re looking for guidance on managing anxiety, understanding ADHD, or improving your emotional well-being, you’ll find helpful content here.

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Causes

People can develop DID when their coping resources are overwhelmed by distressing events. Before I get into the reasons for this however, I would like to clarify something. As noted in my previous post, DID is somewhat controversial. Professional and layperson opinions range from the disorder being “an excuse” or “fabricated” through to professional fully […]

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How to know if you are doing therapy right?

I hear this question regularly. It generally occurs along the vein of “am I making enough change?” or “is this happening quick enough?” or “how long should this take?” These are all very legitimate questions that should definitely be asked! However, be prepared for an answer that may not be as helpful as you had […]

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The Terror and Comfort of Living

People have differing views on the world. There is a spiritual view, knowing and believing you are connected to and driven by a power bigger than yourself. This can be religious such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. or it can be a belief in the spiritual existence of nature, karma, or astrology. There are the […]

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The freeway of logic and emotion.

I often talk to my clients about the idea that emotions and logic can be similar to a freeway. On a freeway (at least where I am from in Perth), you go in one direction and the opposite direction is on a completely separate road next to you. You may be able to see the […]

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  • 02 4086 7232
  • Suite 1/45 Pearson Street
    Charlestown, NSW, 2290

New Clinicians Available

We'd love to welcome Paula Garcia & Zahra Hamoud

Experienced psychologists Paula Garcia & Dr. Zahra Hamoud are now welcoming new clients. Expertise includes anxiety, trauma, ADHD, and more. Paula offers sessions in Spanish, and Zahra in French. Book your appointment today!