People have differing views on the world. There is a spiritual view, knowing and believing you are connected to and driven by a power bigger than yourself. This can be religious such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. or it can be a belief in the spiritual existence of nature, karma, or astrology. There are the more physical views, that what we see is what exists. The physical is all we need to know and understand. Or, there are philosophical views that can sit somewhere in the middle. The views that believe there is something more that we do not know; things that may be spiritual or simply beyond human consciousness at this point.
Each of these views have something in common. The commonalities between these views may not be innately obvious, but it is there. What these views share is the understanding that whatever our views, we must exist in this world. Furthermore, being human means we have the ability to think about our thoughts. We have the rare ability to be aware of our existence, our life, our spirit, and our meaning.
So where does this leave us? This means we must come to accept some truths. We must come to accept, however we do so, that good and bad things happen to both good and bad people. As to the reasoning for this, well that may differ based on the views we hold. But we must accept that this occurs. This means we must accept that the world is never all good or all bad. If some bad and some good things can happen to both good and bad people, then it is impossible to say that all good or all bad can happen at one time
Life is funny like that. To live in reality ends up being about living in the grey. Therapy is often about learning to live in this world. Learning that there is no black or white. There is no perfection… and with that no complete failure. Life is about searching for the closest you can get to perfection whilst being comfortable in accepting you’ll never be anywhere near it…. It’s also about fighting to stay away from complete failure but taking solace in knowing it’s always a long way off.
If today, you feel like you are failing completely, know that there is never black without some white. We always experience both good and bad. Being grateful for the glimpse of white when all we feel we can see is the black will give you the grey experience of reality. Continually look for the grey. If you think you have found a white world, look for both the black and the white because they will both be there and they will teach you how to move further toward the white whilst allowing you to recognise that you are fighting through the black in a heroic way.
Experienced psychologists Paula Garcia & Dr. Zahra Hamoud are now welcoming new clients. Expertise includes anxiety, trauma, ADHD, and more. Paula offers sessions in Spanish, and Zahra in French. Book your appointment today!